Tuesday, March 15, 2011

No Words

I have to admit I have been struggling for a couple of days to figure out what to write in this blog. Normally I have to restrain myself from sharing perhaps TOO much information. When this happens when I am teaching, I can simply tell the students to breathe. I resist filling the class with words to avoid silence. One of my teachers once told me, "Talk less....Teach...more." For anyone who has ever been to one of my classes, lack of conversation has never been my problem, but what is there to say when there are no words?

I have been following the epic disaster in Japan, as has everyone else. It is devastating to even watch the footage, let alone imagine what it would be like to BE there....have a loved one there....not know if someone you have a connection to is missing. As removed as we are geographically from this situation, it affects us all.

After the news, I felt anything I could say in my classes would be trivial and so was prepared to teach a straightforward, physically challenging class and leave everything up to the breath. Somehow, the words came. I taught a class about daylight savings time, because everyone was still a little off. Somehow that evolved into talking about renewal and shining a light into the dark scary places in your life. Usually such things look a lot less daunting in the light. The monster under the bed is not so big; the bogeyman in the closet not so frightening.

The human spirit is an amazing thing. Even with all of the destruction going on in the world and some of the terror and struggle that follows, the sun will rise in the East, light will shine, good people of all nations will step into help, those who can't will hopefully contribute what they can, whether it is aid or prayers.

As a practicing yogi, one must follow their own path. I try my hardest to turn to the light. I try my hardest to see adversity under the brightest light available to me and move forward. What is always amazing to me is how most people do the same. It is truly wondrous and not a lot can be said about it with words.

It is a language of the heart and spirit.

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